[政 治]
russian,east european & central asian studies
a bimonthly
number 2 2013
the adjustments of external and domestic polices after putin’s second term (research team of china institute of contermporary international relations)
reform and implication of volga trans-regional nature protection procuratorate of the russian federation (liu xiangwen and wang guiyu)
russia’s path to modernization of a civil code (gong bing)
ukrainian language’s politics and ukrainization (dai manchun)
opinions on 20 years of cee’s transition: bulgarian case (zhao xuelin)
russia’s economic relations with asian countries in the post-crisis period (fu jingyun)
preliminary analysis of russian strategy for coal industry (huang qiuju)
review of russian outsourcing (liu weina)
russian banking and economic development before the october revolution (zhang guangxiang and li xu)
dispute between stalin and bukharin over abolishing or sticking to the nep (chen airu)
censorship during the gorbachev’s time (li shuhua)
the beginning and the end of sovietology: introspection from the post-cold war (lin jinghua)
review of construction of the relations between russia and azerbaijan (wang shaozhang)
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